Author - shingtpennfran

Subway Franchise Cost vs. Penn Station Subs Franchise: How they Compare

Subway Franchise Cost vs. Penn Station Subs Franchise: How they Compare

The saying is, “the proof is in the pudding,” but for the sandwich franchise industry, the proof is really between two slices of bread. Investors looking to get a bite out of the sandwich franchise industry have several options and should carefully consider multiple available brand opportunities. Savvy prospective franchisees...

Restaurants for Sale: 4 Key Indicators of a Good Investment

4 Key Indicators of a Good Investment

Investing is one of the best ways to build wealth for yourself and generations to come, but, like all investments, it can be a risk. It’s important to look at investments closely before putting your hard-earned money into them. From stocks to art to franchises, there are a variety of passive and active ways...

Why Sandwich Franchises Thrive:

Why Sandwich Franchises Thrive: The Success of the $20 Billion Sandwich Industry  

An industry worth $20 billion is nothing to ignore, the U.S. loves sandwiches! Their broad appeal and variety of customizable options can make sandwiches so much more than a simple slice of turkey between two pieces of bread, and they can be much more than comfort food during...