Author - shingtpennfran

Fast Food Industry Trends: What to Expect in 2024

The restaurant industry has seen significant changes the last few years. Many argue the pandemic permanently changed the landscape of the restaurant industry. As the world returned to normal in 2023, new trends emerged with consumer spending. As we prepare to step into 2024, the fast-food segment, particularly the quick-service restaurant industry (QSR), is bound to experience some newfound trends....

Wrapping Up 2024: Key Lessons Learned for Franchise Owners

As this year draws to a close, it's the perfect time for franchise owners to reflect on their journey, successes, and lessons learned in 2024. It's a chance to look at key insights and to ask how next year can be even better. Let’s look at a few franchise success factors that you may focus on for 2024. Understanding Key Franchise...